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At Belgian Pork Group, we are always searching for ways to make our products even tastier, healthier and environmentally-friendlier. Our R&D department is the driving force behind this never-ending urge to innovate.

We developed the Monday tests in order to think out-of-the-box. This is a great opportunity to subject our newest creations or already existing products to a critical test. Changes to existing products are also sampled and evaluated.

These tests are organised on Mondays in the Westvlees company restaurant. Every week, we work with our kitchen staff to add a new, existing or adapted creation to the menu.

Employees can score the dish from 1 to 10 on the screen in the canteen. Employees who want to share more information can do this by scanning a QR code. Participants stand a chance to win a free meal.

Placards provide information about the products, as well as the nutritional value, ingredients, where and when the product will be launched, etc.

As such, Belgian Pork Group employees help determine which products will be launched to market.